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Get these and other facts on your VA Home Loan Benefits!

Serving all of Delaware 


Own a Home? Here’s What You Need To Know!

You own your home and you can do what you like with it! Yes, no, maybe. As a homeowner, you’re entitled to certain property rights that will enable you to more fully enjoy living in your home. So, YES … you are in control of many things when it comes to your property, what you […]

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Fire Protection Tips for Your Home A couple of years ago, my past clients had a house fire. It began in a bedroom/office by a baseboard heater. Fortunately they were home and were able to vacate the house with their dogs and contact the fire department quickly. Even with their fast reaction, the house was […]

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Whether you’re a longtime homeowner or a newbie, don’t forget to monitor your escrow account if your lender required one when you took out your mortgage. You want to avoid any pitfalls since it’s still your money (and your home!). Here’s a rundown of why you should always stay on top of things when it […]

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As a homeowner, you most likely need to have work done to your home at some point, and it’s easy to be confused whether something is a repair or an improvement. You might not think it matters, but it does for tax purposes. It could mean extra money in your pocket! A repair and an […]

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Did you know you could make your home less appealing to burglars and prevent many property crimes? Here’s a breakdown from A – Z on what you should know about making your home more secure and safe. You’ll find lots of options and tips — some that come with a heftier price tag and may […]

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Most homeowners know that getting a comparative market analysis (CMA) of their home is essential when it comes time to sell their home. Sellers need to know how much their home is worth in the current housing market to price it right when listing it. But did you realize this comparative market analysis also can […]

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As a homeowner, many of us tend to overlook flaws or get used to our home’s exterior appearance. Perhaps you’re not fully noticing a worn out doormat when standing on the front porch or the peeling paint on the front door when searching for keys. Everyone is busy with life and it’s easy to have […]

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Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back if you are on top of your home’s maintenance. You make sure you’re checking off a wide range of to-do’s from your list regularly, whether it’s cleaning your gutters, having your HVAC system serviced each season, or upgrading your smoke alarms. It’s great to focus on these […]

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Are you someone who takes the time to eat well and exercise regularly to stay healthy? For most of us, these two are at the top of our list when it comes to improving our health. But have you ever thought of making sure your home is healthy? We spend a chunk of our days […]

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Now more than ever we need our homes to be a sanctuary, a place where we can feel safe and find joy. The goal of this 4-week series is to help you create a home that better suits you and your family. And most importantly, you will learn what steps you can take to improve […]

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Knowing the challenges of PCSing,
moving to unfamiliar places, and
 the ever-changing military schedule,
I specialize in helping
our valued active/retired military members and veterans 
**sell their home while moving to their new location or
**find the right home if moving to/living in Delaware while helping
**plan their path to homeownership
using their
BAH and VA Loan benefits

I offer
**Virtual home tours while you're in the moving process,
**Step-by-step guidance throughout the home buying/selling process
**Honest and clear answers to your questions

Yes, let's TALK!!

For every military member I help to buy or sell their home

A donation of $100 to the DAFB USO will be made in the
member's/veteran's name.

My Way of Giving Back

Proudly Serving Those Who Serve Our Country

Whether buying or selling,
let's get your questions answered and
discuss how I can help!  
{It costs you nothing but a few minutes of your time}

PCSing to DAFB?
PCSing/Relocating to a new area?
Renting on or off Base?
Retired/Veteran wanting to buy in Delaware?